
We keep you safe & secure

Our world-class range of tools and services ensure you have the protection you need.

7/24 SOC Monitoring

We are monitoring 7/24 SOC for your safety

MDR(Managed Detection Response)

We provide customers with remotely delivered modern security operations center (MSOC) functions

Cyber Shield

Let’s Build your Cyber Shield


AI &ML based Latest Detection Capability

Security made simple

Keep yourself secure and protected, effortlessly

As Skycep, With the latest generation artificial intelligence-based systems we use, we catch and respond to attacks instantly.
Threat protection

Stop hackers before they ever gain access

Protect against the leading cause of breaches — compromised identities and credentials.

Do you want to try our demo? Please, contact us


Always protected


Deploy a comprehensive endpoint security solution for protecting your assets. Skycep is offering a highly advanced security solution to protect your organization's critical data. Your endpoints are the primary target of the attackers. Skycep is helping the organizations to detect, contain and remediate the cyber threats by protecting the heart of their system.
What we do

How we keep you protected

Virus Finder

Bank Level Encryption

Security Audits

Security Analytics

Global Monitoring

File Protection

Smart pricing

Security packages for everyone

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Basic Plan


per month

Premium Plan


per month

Pro Plan


per month

What clients are saying

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“Our team deals with sensitive data and our customers trust us to keep it all secure. That's why we trust Stratus, because we can't afford any data loss or outage.”

Samantha Jane
Lark Productions
“When we contacted Stratus we had just been hit with a major security attack. They took immediate action and had our systems back online within hours.”

Jake Warren
GM Studios
“We had worked with other security firms before, but it was clear from the outset that Stratus is different. The results speak for themselves.”

Kim Smith
Squant Media

Our Blog Posts


Security is one of the most crucial needs for any human being as defined in the second step of Maslow’s hierarchy. First step is food and clothing which refers to existence. Security is coming right after existence. In the world … Read More

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Importance of Software Security

Software security is as important as individual’s personal security. This statement may sound a little bit exaggerated however it is not. I will prove my hypothesis with examples.First of all, we need to clarify the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) … Read More

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What is Blockchain Technology?

A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as … Read More

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Ready to level up your security? Reach out.